I also never wore my Bump It out of the house, because I could never figure out how to get it covered with my hair. #Failure #IfKatyPerryCanDoItICanDoIt
At work there is a big social media kick, so I started a professional Twitter account... and tweeted the following picture and referenced our trainings... #awesomeemployee
I'm horrible at making with hashtags, so this is my first time I've tried this link up #ButImVeryPunny #GetIt? #Punny?
I've been watching Biggest Loser and it still doesn't fat shame my junk food eating ass #FatKidProbs
We booked a sexy vacation for next year, just the two of us. I went to price check it against Costco and realized I spent about $300 more than the Costco price! WTF?! Why did I not think to price check BEFORE we paid the other company?! #ImTooCheapForThisShit #CostcoAlwaysWins #ThePictureIsTheTruth
What are your confessions this week?