Party Like it's 1985! | Tracie Everyday: Party Like it's 1985!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Party Like it's 1985!

In case you weren't aware, let me tell you--- the ROYALS are going to the World Series!!! This is such a big deal it isn't even funny. 

What are some other things that happened in glorious year of 1985?
  • I was born. 
  • "We are the World" came out 
  • rapper T-Pain was born 
  • Nintendo was released 
Now, for your enjoyment here are some photos of Tuesday nights game (Game 3) in the American League Championship Series. 

And some from Game 4, the Championship winning game!

I leave you with my houseguests for the month of Blue October: Lo-Cain, Hoz, Gordo, and Nori. 

I have to admit, they're kinda loud, messy houseguests :) 

Who are you rooting for?


  1. Fun Fact - Billy Butler and I went to the same high school and had a class together - who knew he'd go on to play pro-ball...straight out of high school mind you!! :)

  2. ahhh I don't follow baseball, but yay! :)
    wait, t-pain was born 85? wow.

  3. While I don't really follow sports, 1985 was a pretty awesome year. I was born in 1985, too! Haha. :)

  4. Yeah, this is a pretty exciting development. The game looks like it was a blast :)


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