Life Lately... Weekend and Where Have You Been? | Tracie Everyday: Life Lately... Weekend and Where Have You Been?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Life Lately... Weekend and Where Have You Been?

There is sooo much going on right now, so I decided to not try and schedule posts or write them last week. Instead, I took a break. Honestly? Being semi-unplugged has been awesome. I don't feel pressure to take photos or dress up, you know just in case I take a photo. 

Right now, there is a shit ton of stuff going on at work, so including me teaching night classes, taking night classes, and chugging along towards my clinical license. Essentially, my evenings are filled. We also got a super cute whiteboard and put it up, so G knows what's going on. 

G's dad is out of the hospital and doing well! Yay! Hopefully, his incision doesn't get infected again and he gets no more blood clots. We went to dinner with them last week, which was really nice. 

It seems like yesterday that I wrote about one of my bff's having the first baby in our group of friends... Well, his first birthday party was on Sunday! WTF?! It's been a year already?! Yup. Little Lion Man is one year old. He as dainty though and didn't put his face in the cake. Me? I put a cupcake all up in my face. Happy birthday, Baby L! 

Gabriel and I have decided to enjoy each other more. So, instead of focusing on going out, which then messes with my budget, which in turn makes me feel stressed out- we have instead focused on Friday nights being our low key, cheap date night with each other, Saturday buying good food from the store and eating in, and Sunday doing whatever. Essentially, we have slooooowed down. People have come over on Saturdays and it's been so fun to just unwind and relax, with no pressure. Also bonus- we have had great food on the cheap (or cheaper)!


  1. i really like your idea of buying some food and cooking at home - and the cheap date night. my husband and i don't really have a set thing like that, though i've been meaning to start something. my best friend's baby turned 2 on the weekend and it just blew my mind!

  2. My husband and I have been staying in a lot more and keeping things low key as well. It is so much nicer to slow down like that, or maybe I am just getting old. Either way!

    My youngest nephews will be starting kindergarten next year. I can't even with the time flying!!!

  3. We have been staying in and cooking as well. What a difference it makes to the wallet right?

  4. Isn't unplugging the best?! I need to do it once a week I swear but i'm terrible about it! I'm glad to hear your hubs Dad is doing well. Thats always a scary time! Thinking of you!


  5. I like the idea of having a chill date night each week. I'm terrible and naggy and always want to go "out on a real date" but sometimes staying in and not stressing out about it is so much better. I also like the idea of grocery shopping together and planning meals - I'll have to see if I can get my guy on board for that!


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