Does anyone have any must have photograph ideas? You know what I'm talking about, the photos you took that are your all time fave? I know that I saw Morgan's post completely dedicated to her wedding shoes and I knew that I needed photos of my shoes. I hadn't even thought of that. Then, I realized my shoes are sexy as F and need to be immortalized. Granted, they aren't any red bottoms, but still.
I am still debating as to what my hashtag should be. I know call me a douche lord again. But, I want to be able to just click and see all my friends pictures. Any ideas? MrandMrsChauvin is an easy one. I've been using FutureMrsChauvin on all my pre wedding stuff so it would go, but MrandMrs seems too plain. I know a plain hashtag #firstworldproblems. I got all the time in the world to figure it out. And by all the time, I mean until Saturday by 2 when I start hair and makeup.
What all do you look for in a fun wedding?
Best wishes for your wedding! I'm sure it will be wonderful! I think the easier to remember the better for your hashtag :)