Real life | Tracie Everyday: Real life

Monday, February 9, 2015

Real life

Generally, there is something fun that happens or an amazeballs moment in life to write about. Nope, lately life has been real. Real normal. Doctors appointments, trainings, work, at-home date night. 

You know, the usual everyday stuff that is not so entertaining to take photos of or write about. In all honesty, it's not something that I think you guys would be interested in. We haven't had a wall fall down, knock on wood. The dogs are still being assholes, all cooped up in the house. I've made a conscious effort to unplug more when at home, which has resulted in a lot of missed phone calls and text messages, and for that I do apologize. Other than that, this is all we've been doing. 

What have you been up to? 


  1. Sometimes it feels great to just have a normal, uneventful time! I say enjoy the quiet :) And snuggle a dog! Have a great week!

  2. Doing nothing is sometimes the best kind of "something" when it comes to life. I need a weekend of nothing to recover from this weekend!

  3. i'm a fan of unplugging at home and doing nothing. yesterday was a do-nothing day - i just sat around and crocheted in my pajamas :D

  4. Pretty much sums up our lives lately. And I'm perfectly content with it.


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