Rando Ramblings | Tracie Everyday: Rando Ramblings

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rando Ramblings

My work has incentives for completing health related tasks, so I went and completed a biometric screening. For the first time I can remember, as an adult I am totally healthy in every aspect. My BMI (which I think is stupid) is fully in the healthy range, my cholesterol and blood pressure are good. I am all WOOT, WOOT let me sashay my skinny ass outta here!

I've been trying new recipes out the wazoo, but still using good old fave easy dinners to supplement in an effort to stay on budget. So, we have spag & turkey meatballs once a week, tacos of some sort once a week, and a few new recipes thrown in for fun. What are some of your go-to weeknight dinners?

I try to find any excuse to go to Costco, just because I love it so much. I bought a flannel shirt there and LOVE it! It is sooo soft, has pearl snap buttons, and fits well, but loose which I like for layering. Costco for the win! Do you have anything you can't live without at Costco?

I started watching the show WAGS and sometimes am a little ashamed of myself for actually DVRing that show it is so bad. No joke. All of these women seem to be desperately trying to be relevant.

What's been making you smile lately?


  1. roasted garlic and rosemary potatoes are one of my fav go-to dinner dishes, same with my roasted lemon, basil, rosemary chicken yum!! if only free range organic whole chickens weren't so damn expensive i'd have it every day.

  2. my go to dinner (that we have about once a week) is eggs, bacon, hash browns and biscuits. cheap and easy! I watched about four episodes of WAGS this weekend! That stuff just sucks you in. Trish - tales from trish

  3. I've had sloppy joes in the mix a lot lately for dinner, and we're taco regulars too! And oh man don't even get me started on Costco, it's my nemesis. I can't ever go and just get the things I need. Last time I got an awesome jacket and a big bag of fall bulbs (oops over budget!). I think I saw those flannel shirts and debated too. I should have grabbed one!

  4. I'm not even gonna lie... I've heard Costco has super cute clothes and I'm tempted to get a membership just so I can check it all out!!! Lol

  5. congrats on being a healthy adult! i would be scared to have one of those tests haha.

    our go to dinners.. hmm... chicken on the george foreman with veggies is easy and healthy.. we also like tacos and pasta. our lazy super easy meal is turkey, black beans and rice. easy, yum and filling.

  6. Europeans and Americans are reading famous inspirational love quotes from real life stories of real heroes and are equally becoming successful in their personal lives.


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