About Me

Hi, I'm Tracie!

Some of my favorite things:
sparkly things, wine, shopping, happy hour, 

making recipes healthy, beer, purple
getting gifts (hello, Birchbox and Ipsy!), makeup (i.e. being pretty), 

reality tv (Tamra Barney has no idea we are BFFs), creeping on blogs, attempting to be crafty (Pinterest, I just can't quit you!),rando dance parties, and playing with my crazy boxers.

Tigger (the Striped Dog)
Ginger (the Blonde Dog)

Currently, I am planning my wedding (summer 2014) ,
saving up to buy a house with the Mister  buying my first home with the Mister, and working at getting my sexy back into some skinnier skinny jeans.

Thanks for taking a peek into the Everyday happenings of my life.
Grab a drink and join me on this journey into the blogging world.
I'm so happy to have you here!


  1. Hey Tracie! I didn't know you're a blogger! :-)

  2. Ahhh I think Tamra and I are besties, too!! Twins. Let's stalk her together, k?

    www.livingbarefootandcrazy.blogspot.com ♥


I'm excited you're here. Leave me a message so that we can be excited together!