Catching Up on Life | Tracie Everyday: Catching Up on Life

Monday, July 13, 2015

Catching Up on Life

I decided that I could catch you all up, but only phone dump style. I realized I hadn't uploaded ANY pictures from my phone in a hot second, so that's how we're doing it today.

If you didn't see on IG, we had a huge part of the tree in our front yard fall over from all the rain and storms we've been having. So, we decided that we would cut it up ourselves.
Under the watchful eye of Sir Tiggles 

We actually really liked this little tree, but had it removed by professionals a few days later as it was rotted on the inside. Who knew?

Look at my boo going at it with a chainsaw. Me? I got the clippers and was in charge of snipping everything into smaller pieces, bagging, and bundling. 

I took my boo that a Mexican restaurant that he had never been to before, but I go to with my work wives. The margs there are too legit and the food is always good. The one thing I hate is that they charge for chips and salsa. That shit is the food of your people, it should be free! 

My bad got me some baseball Jamberries as a gift, so I saved them for the 4th of July! They were perfect. 

My Uncle had his annual 4th of July BBQ on the night before, which is when his city does there firework show.

On the 4th of July, we went to a Royals game! I convinced G that we needed to legit tailgate, versus rush around and chugging beers. It was so much fun! 

My main squeeze, Salvy, behind the plate! 

We had the best seats in the 3rd row on the aisle, which are my fave seats. 

I tried to take a pic of Gabriel to show how freaking close we were. You can see how super full the stadium was. 

Slugger was hanging out in the press box directly in front of us, which was so fun. I wasn't able to get a picture with him in his costume, even though he kept walking next to us. He was walking with a purpose every time and I didn't want to interrupt, even though I do understand his job is to take photos with fans. 

The fireworks were amaze! They played music (5 songs) and the fireworks were in synch with the music, which was so cool. 

I've spent a lot of time with this guy. Ms. Ginger doesn't really like to take photos, so I don't have as many of her. 

I've started doing morning walks with my friend, Jen, before she goes to work and we saw this crazy bird at the lake where we walk. Why would this bird be at the tiniest lake in the middle of summer in the middle of Kansas? I truly don't get it, but love this photo. 

Well, that's all I've got in my phone that I think anyone would be remotely interested in. 
What's new with all you?


  1. That bird looks all peaceful! I had to laugh at the whole food of your people. Hahaha! They know they can make money on the chips and salsa because like who doesn't want that at a Mexican restaurant? That is why we all go. Still not cool though....not cool at all. There are a few places around here that do that too.

  2. morning walks (or some kind of morning activity) are the best...totally sets you up for a good day!

  3. "That is the food of your people!"....DEAD. You are too funny lady!! Great photos too!


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